Vincent Advertising
At Vincent Advertising, we work with your business to use or create one of our advertising schemes to yield the maximum possible return for your investment. You can even utilize proven methods used by Vincent Industries Marketing.
We are also searching for businesses to take part at the other end. If you would like to be paid to advertise other (non-competing) businesses with your product or service, please contact us. For more information, download the Scheme One - Flyer Distribution Management Plan PDF on the right.
The key to high-return advertising is to have a set process for creating a campaign that is both effective and affordable. Vincent Advertising uses a process that has proven effective time and time again.
Contact us. We will guide you through the process to create a new Scheme or use an existing one to ensure your campaign requirements are met. To obtain more information or to request a consultation, please contact us.
Identify your target audience. This step is the keystone for a successful advertising campaign. Your target audience should be based on your product or service, and might include some sort of spin eg. marketing menswear to housewives during the day. Think outside the box.
Choose an advertising medium. The medium you use should be appropriate to your target audience. In the example above, a daytime radio ad would be suitable. For a low cost option, ads in supermarket billboards or windows.
Draw up a Scheme. Of course, we will help you with this. An advertising scheme will outline the details of your advertising campaign and how it is handled by Vincent Advertising.
We will take care of the rest. All you need to do is approve the design and placement of the advertisement and we will take care of all the time consuming details, as outlined in the advertising scheme.
You can view the details of our existing Schemes by downloading one of the PDF files on the right. You will need Adobe PDF Reader installed on your computer to view the documents.